Looking for engaging, hands on decimal resources, or maybe just some fun math center games? This huge list includes a variety of ideas that your students will love!
If you teach upper elementary or middle school, you are well aware of all the math standards related to decimals and decimal operations. If you are looking for decimal resources to help you teach in a way that builds conceptual understanding, the free resources here are for you!
But as teachers, we also know that practice makes permanent, so you will also find engaging games, low-prep practice, digital activities and more to help your students feel confident anytime they encounter a decimal number. The resources below are organized by math skill, allowing you to check out the decimal activities that meet your current teaching needs.
Click on any of the posts linked in each category below to read more about the activity or resource and grab a copy to use with your students.
Decimal Place Value or Compare Decimals Resources:
Understanding decimal numbers begins with a solid understanding of decimal place value. You’ll also find resources to visualize decimals on a number line, further helping students make sense of decimal values and how to compare/fit in with whole numbers.
From there, students can build their number sense as they compare different decimal values and even compare decimals to fractions.
Lastly, in 7th grade and beyond, students work with a broader range of rational numbers, so the compare rational number sorting activity includes decimals, repeating decimals, fractions and more.
Skittles Math: Place Value Mats: This hands on math activity will help students visualize decimal place value as they begin to make sense of decimals and compare numbers.
Multiply & Divide by Powers of Ten Game: Includes Exponents: This game also includes a place value mat, allowing students to use place value to make sense of multiplying/dividing by powers of ten (so they can see the digits shift, rather than the decimal point).
Even if your kids aren’t ready for the game or writing powers of ten with exponents, you can still use the place value mat to model decimal values and compare numbers.
Decimals on a Number Line Game that Kids LOVE!: This printable game is similar to ‘Battleship’ and is a great way for kids to pair up & see decimals on a number line.
Decimals on a Number Line: DIGITAL Activity for Kids: If you prefer a no-prep, paperless option, this digital drag & drop set of google slides provides practice placing decimal values on a number line.
Compare Decimals Cut & Paste Sort : This low-prep activity allows kids to compare decimal values and practice using the comparison symbols (>, <, =).
Compare Rational Numbers Sorting Challenge : This low-prep activity is similar to the one above, but includes more variety in the rational numbers. Students will compare decimal values, repeating decimals, fractions, integers, etc.
Add & Subtract Decimals Resources:
Once students have a solid place value foundation, they are ready to add and subtract with decimals. Even young kids can begin to add and subtract with decimals and they work with money. Adding money is the perfect real world context for students to start with because they are likely familiar with adding dollars and change.
In this section you will find articles with teaching ideas, real life math activities, hands-on resources and fun games to practice these skills.
How to Add Decimals: Simple Strategies & Tips: If you want to help students form a conceptual understanding of decimals and adding decimal values, this is a great place to start.
{FREE} Adding Decimals Worksheets: Multiple Strategies: To help students make sense of decimal addition, these simple practice pages include multiple strategies all on one page so students can see that whichever visual model or strategy they use, they should get the same answer.
Make a Buck: Unique Adding Decimals Card Game: This game is a fun way to practice those ‘mental math’ skills, and all you need is a deck of cards!
Cupcake Shop: Money Math Problems: This real life math activity is a fun way for students to see the importance of adding decimals in the real world as they find the cost of their cupcakes.
Adding & Subtracting Decimals Partner Challenge: Here’s another idea for helping students see multiple ways to add or subtract decimals and compare strategies.
Add & Subtract Decimals on a Number Line {FREE Printable Number Lines!}: This article explains the value of incorporating number lines to help students add and subtract and includes some free number line practice pages.
{FREE} Adding & Subtracting Decimals Game for Grades 4-6: This printable game would make a great math center when paired with a set of base ten blocks (although the blocks are optional).
Multiply & Divide Decimals Resources:
As always, before jumping straight to standard, traditional algorithms to multiply or divide, I encourage you to help students build on their conceptual understanding of multiplication and division. They can apply their knowledge of multiplication of whole numbers to decimals and see that the skill is not actually anything new or scary.
Incorporating visual models or real life contexts will help students visualize the math, deepen their understanding and make reasonable estimates as they solve problems involving decimals.
Find resources below to help your students understand decimal multiplication and decimal division.
Multiply Decimals with Grids: Cut & Paste Set: To help students visualize decimal multiplication (and see how it relates to multiplying whole numbers), this activity includes grid models for students to match.
Multiply Decimals Classroom Scavenger Hunt: This fun, whole class activity allows kids the chance to get up and move while practice this important skill.
Spin It! Multiplying Decimals Game for Kids: This printable board game would make a great math center that you can use again and again so kids don’t forget how to multiply decimals.
Multiply & Divide Decimals Word Problems Set: This set is a sample from my online course, Making Sense of Word Problems, and includes 27 different problems so students can see decimal multiplication and division in real life contexts.
{FREE} Multiply Decimals Mystery Maze: DIGITAL Activity: If you’re looking for no-prep practice, this digital activity is perfect and self-checking! Students are sure to enjoy this maze challenge.
Digital Pi Day Activity: Decimal Operations Word Problems: If you’re looking for a fun Pi Day activity that weaves in math skills practice, this digital set covers all 4 math operations with decimals.
Convert Between Decimals, Fractions and Percent Resources:
Older students move beyond place value and basic computation with decimals to converting between decimals, fractions and percentages.
This is an important skill because which form of a number is necessary or most beneficial will depend on the problem. This can also help students compare quantities in middle school, because often, converting fractions to decimals or percentages makes them easier to compare.
Below you will find simple games to provide additional practice with converting between fractions, decimals and percentages.
Convert Fractions to Decimals Game: Grades 4-6: This simple board game would make a great math center, allowing students to practice converting fractions to decimals.
Convert Fractions to Decimals & Percent Puzzles: This set of ‘pizza puzzles’ is another activity that you could use as a math center, or for early finishers. Students match equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.
Valentine’s Day Color by Code: Equivalent Fractions & Decimals: This low-prep activity is a unique way to convert fractions to decimals and create a fun art project at the same time.
Valentine’s Day Fraction and Decimal Conversions Board Game: If you’d prefer something for a math center or small groups, this game is another option with a Valentine’s Day theme.
Hopefully there is something on this huge list that is *just right* for your students, but if not, check back later to see if new resources have been added!
Or you might want to check out Math Geek Mama+, my all-access membership, which includes hundreds of ready to use materials for grades 5-8. There are even more decimal resources ready for you to download inside Math Geek Mama+.
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