It’s December! So many mathsy doors to open! See my Advent Calendar collection which is kept updated. (See also Christmas Maths Resources)
Now it’s December – you can open Transum door 1 to reveal this gem!
Transum Maths Advent Calendar
I do like this Dec 1st Transum activity. Use the given palette to make sure that all the trees are decorated differently – brilliant for thinking about systematic listing strategies. Note the different levels available.
Look at the collections on Nrich on Working Systematically.
Staying with Nrich…
Nrich publishes annual Advent Calendars – one for Primary (2024) and one for Secondary (2024). Both feature twenty-four problems, one for each day in the run-up to Christmas. Nrich states that the problems are ideal for working on collaboratively, either with friends at school, or with friends and family members at home. A real strength of Nrich – solutions are published which are based on students’ work.
From Matthew Scroggs, Christmas 2024 is coming. Matthew’s Advent Calendar 2024.
It’s nearly Christmas and something terrible has happened: there’s been a major malfunction in multiple machines in Santa’s toy factory, and not enough presents have been made. Santa has a backup warehouse full of wrapped presents that can be used in the case of severe emergency, but the warehouse is locked. You need to help Santa work out the code to unlock the warehouse so that he can deliver the presents before Christmas is ruined for everyone. Matthew Scroggs – Advent 2024
Mathsbox website, and/or Mathsbox on BlueSky.
A little bit of Christmas is on the way!A new resource will be shared each day for the first 12 days of December – primary/Secondary/post16Daily links shared here or links on our websitePlease repost…Free to everyone.
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