Anna Across the Arctic has been awarded two First place awards for Children’s Fiction. One from Alaska Professional Communicators (APC) and the other from The National Federation of Press Women (NFPW.)
We are delighted to receive these awards and would like to share with you some of the judges’ comments. Judge, Grace Cavalieri, Maryland Poet Laureate, for Alaska Professional Communicators said “this is a meritorious tale, based in fact, that should elicit empathy and interest from the young reader.” APC also awarded Anna Across the Arctic a First place in Graphics and Design. Judge Dianne Barske, Oregon, wrote, “The design elements help capture the reader’s interest and creates many learning opportunities without detracting from the pull of the adventure of the story. All design elements unite in a beautifully illustrated book, bringing to life a fascinating story.”
The nationwide contest conducted by The National Federation of Press Women for Anna Across the Arctic is very welcome. NFPW defines themselves as a “nationwide organization of women and men pursuing careers across the communications spectrum, including print and electronic journalism, freelancing, new media, books, public relations, marketing, graphic design, photography, advertising, radio, and television.” Recipients from across the country were honored for excellence in communications during virtual awards ceremonies in June. A distinguished group of professional journalists, communications specialists, and educators judged nearly 2,000 entries in a wide variety of categories. Only first-place winning entries at the state level are eligible to enter the national contest. All entries were published or broadcast between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2020.
You can purchase Anna Across the Arctic on this website. Thank You.
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